Continuing to use .NET 6 after this date may expose applications to security vulnerabilities and limit access to technical support. Microsoft has announced that .NET 6 may receive one final update on November 12th if a critical issue is identified, but this will be the last official support provided. Visual Studio will also mark .NET 6 as out of support starting with the January 2025 servicing update, prompting developers to retarget their projects to .NET 8 or later.
Microsoft have encouraged developers and organizations using .NET 6 to upgrade to .NET 8, which is the latest LTS version, to ensure their applications remain secure and supported. Upgrading to .NET 8 involves changing the Target Framework of effected projects and updating development and hosting environments. You will also want to thoroughly test your website or application after upgrading to ensure their are no compatibility issues or other knock on effects.
If you are unsure if you will be effected by .Net 6 reaching end of life or you would just like some help in assessing your upgrade options then please get in touch with our team today.